Izzy is a school friend, but one that I didn’t really become close with until several years after school. I don’t have a picture in my head of what Izzy was like when we were younger, only her now as an adult (I think I can finally call us adults now we’re in our mid twenties). But the picture of her now is filled with the following: honesty, pure joy, openness, facilitator of excellent summer gatherings, a positive influence and someone I’m always excited to talk to.
Just like I love the way Tarsha talks in facts, I love the way Izzy talks in the full picture. I was recently discussing our tendencies to only talk about or write about the positives, ignoring the less ideal bits that accompany any positive experience. Izzy is single-handedly championing the art of the full picture. And she is the perfect advocate as she shows how fun it makes any story or experience. Any story is said with a smirk and leaves listeners chuckling away as they get to picture the event in full colour, from all angles, even the uglier ones.
I always leave a conversation with Izzy happier and more inspired than when I entered it. A little envious of her perfectly imperfect life filled with auditing struggles and sea swims. Excited to hear future stories of her and Iwan’s life living in a beautifully old house in Somerset. I would love all of my friends to write so I could gain a better insight into their lives, but I especially wish Izzy would. I would excitedly wait for each new piece she published, devouring it over my breakfast, or whilst on my lunch break. Enjoying all of the tiny details of a truly fun, honest life.