Next stop is a workaway in Switzerland for 2 weeks. I needed to travel to Boll-Utzigen for this. The journey started with a 12:30am bus from the Bercy-Seine bus station in Paris. It was probably the worst place I’ve ever stepped foot in. I was quite nervous about this journey, it’s my first one of the trip, it’s at night and I’m alone. To get to the bus station you have to walk through a dark park, and directly past the exercise equipment area which was filled with men even though it was just before midnight. After being shouted at I made it to confines of the bus station. It was honestly like hell. It’s under a bridge and it was really really hot. People were running around confused, with one guy coming up to me with eyes pleading for help. I realised why when I looked at the ticket he was showing me - his bus was at 11:50 and it was currently 11:48. We hurried through the diesel fumes and I sent him off on the correct bus with a thumbs up, then I managed to find mine. I had a total of 12.5 hours of travelling ahead, but I mostly slept so it was fine. Below is a picture of me lying on the floor of the Lyon bus station waiting for my second bus, just to keep it real.

Once in Bern I had to walk to the train station and catch a train to my final destination, where Eva was picking me up. There was some slight stress when I realised I couldn’t use my data in Switzerland, there was no wifi at the end station and Eva was not there, but I remained remarkably calm for me. I managed to connect to the wifi on a passing bus for long enough to let Eva know I’d arrived and she appeared a little while later. It always works out it in the end, or, as Eva said, it all happened as it should.
This was my view this evening as I walked the dog Kiona. Much better than the Paris bus station.